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James Arnold Taylor's Talking to Myself The Podcast

Oct 16, 2020

JAT Celebrates 50 Episodes with a retrospective of past episodes, ala "The Golden Girls" and some fake retrospective moments too! It's the end of Season 2 of the JAT Cast but not to worry a new season and new fun will be coming soon!  

Jul 31, 2020

JAT Rambles about various things today for a quick, "Hello there!" episode to keep you encouraged!

Jun 25, 2020

JAT Talks to Lydia Rose Taylor, his daughter about what it's like being a 15 year old during this crazy time in our world.  

May 29, 2020

JAT speaks a bit about his faith and how it's helping him during this time.

May 20, 2020

This episode JAT cuts through the noise and gets right to your emails, to help you all learn from each other and be encouraged by the Fellowship!