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James Arnold Taylor's Talking to Myself The Podcast

Feb 27, 2019

JAT tells of his time voicing Jack Sparrow and the day he spent with Johnny Depp, voicing the Skull for the Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow at DisneyWorld.  Also emails, and closes the show with Obi-Wan reciting lyrics to the Red Hot Chili Peppers song, "Higher Ground"

Feb 20, 2019

JAT Talks about the differences between joy and happiness, and shares of his love of art and the importance it plays in his life. He also explains his faith on a deeper level, takes your emails and introduces a new segment to the end of the show. A reading from Gilbert Gottfried as Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Feb 13, 2019

This week JAT gets an exclusive interview with one of his most famous alter egos, Ratchet from the hit video game series and feature film, Ratchet & Clank!  Also JAT talks about mindfulness and how to achieve more in a day. 

Feb 6, 2019

JAT Dives Deep and talks about various topics today including how to find peace in suffering and keep at your dreams. It's a JAT "Pep Talk" for all of you along with emails and the usual gang of characters!